Sabtu, 29 Juli 2017

[Review] Oishi Poppy Pop

Juli 29, 2017 3 Comments

Halo semua! 😃
Aku kembali membuat postingan di blog 😂

Kali ini for the first time in my blog, I'm going to review "snack product" that I got from ! 

Have you heard about the website? Nih aku kasih tahu!
"LIFULL Produk adalah situs penyedia jasa informasi tentang berbagai produk makanan, minuman, dan juga produk kecantikan. LIFULL Produk juga memberikan kesempatan bagi Anda yang ingin mencoba sampel berbagai produk secara gratis."

Gratis?? 😲
It's a big YES! Siapa yang gak suka gratisan? 😂
Kalau beruntung, dari web itu kalian akan dapat produk yang ditawarkan secara gratis, produknya selamat sampai rumah tanpa ongkir! Ini semua gratis! 😃😃 

Untuk cara registrasi dan sebagainya, aku gak jelasin di sini :(( Untuk kali ini, aku akan review produk snack yg pertama kali aku dapat dari Lifull Produk :

☘ "Oishi Poppy Pop" ☘

Nah, ini penampakan paket dari lifull produk, snacknya dibungkus bubble wrap yang bisa dimainin saat bosan (pletuk..pletuk 😂😂)

Ini adalah salah satu produk snack baru keluaran Oishi rasa jagung bakar.
Kalian tahu kan snack Oishi?? Sama seperti namanya, snack-snack keluaran oishi emang oishi (enak) 👍😂 , kayak Oishi Rinbee, Oishi Sponge, Oishi Kirei Yummy Flakes (yg gatau ini produk masih ada apa gak :/ hm)

Oke, berlanjut. Jadi Oishi Poppy Pop ini punya berat 70gr, dan punya rasa jagung bakar yang kerasa banget. Gak nipu rasanya. Cocok banget buat nemenin kamu dan aku kita saat santai, nonton tv, dll 😝

Nih penampakan snack nya :

Sekilas mirip dikit kayak popcorn, tp bukan popcorn! Ini kayak ciki gitu, enak, soft(?) gitu dan gak keras. 
Snack ini juga punya harga yang terjangkau loh!

Untuk 1 bungkus Oishi Poppy Pop, kamu cuma perlu keluarin uang sekitar Rp. 5.500 - Rp. 6.000 / bungkus!

Murah, enak, cocok buat cemilan, dan bisa ditemukan dengan mudah! Udah ada loh di ind***ret, car**four, dll. 😄😄

Oiya, aku juga say thank u untuk lifull produk yg udah memberiku kesempatan mencoba snack Oishi varian baru ini! Kalian yang juga mau produk makanan, minuman, kecantikan bisa registrasi di 

So, kesimpulan untuk Oishi Poppy Pop :

Price : 

Taste : 

😄 yeay! So, overall aku puas dengan snack rasa jagung bakar ini. Untuk kalian yg penasaran sama rasanya, langsung cao ke minimarket terdekat, ambil Oishinya di rak dan jangan lupa bayar ya 😂😂

Okay, see you in next post! 😀📝


Minggu, 16 Juli 2017

What is it like to have a young brother?

Juli 16, 2017 1 Comments

It's been a long time since my last post appeared. Now, I go back and bring a random discussion about what I think in my mind when thinking of a new post on the blog ..

Yes, in this post I tried to discuss about "what's it like to have a brother?". How does it feel when you become a sister?

Why am I choosing this theme for my blog? Because I have a brother 😂

Okay, first. Many couples want to have at least 2 children in their lives, at most 3 children. It is ideal to have a pair of children, girl and boy. I am the first child of 2 siblings.

My brother and I have an age gap of about 3 years and 4 months. Now, I'm 20 and he's 17 years old.

How does it feel to have a younger brother?

It seems you will not feel alone when your parents go shopping or work if he is with you.

It's like riding a roller coaster.
I feel happy when my brother and I are playing the same game with us (PS2), having fun riding motorcycles, doing the same hobby, arguing the funny things, etc.

I was scared when my brother could not be called over the phone, or when he scolded at me.

The thing he did that annoys me:

1. While watching TV in the afternoon, he has a remote then often switch to anime that he likes even though it shows an episode he had ever seen before.

2. lie in my bed just to use his phone for hours as he gets free day.

3. Not helping me enough to clean the house (often?). His work at home just moping the floor. Hmm ..

But .. he is my brother. I love him, because having him, it has colored my life.

The thing he did that I loved:
1. He accompanied me playing playstation2 with the game that I like (dynasty fighters)

2. He laughs at my stupidity when I can not play football or anything related in playstation2.

3. He sometimes cooks for me when there is no food at home and our parents go somewhere.

4. He protected me.

5. He helped me by driving me to a place with a motorcycle (because I have not driven properly)

6. He has good humor. Maybe?

The conclusions are..
You will never feel alone when your parents go somewhere, you can invite them to play games, and much more.

So, for my brother. Thank you for being born and living with me. Be a good person! Success for your education and career life! 👦👧 ❤

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